Saturday, January 12, 2008

Free Keyword Research Tools

Researching keywords has got to be one of the most intimidating, and time consuming, processes involved with internet marketing today. Unless a person or company has a very generous advertising budget, the only way to get a site seen by lots of organic traffic is to optimize for specific words or phrases, and then hope to get ranked high enough in the search engines for them.

Part of the idea behind getting free traffic to your website is not to spend too much money on the tools to get that traffic. There are quite a few keyword research sites and tools available for a price. Fortunately, most of the top priced companies also offer introductory, or free versions of their programs. Below is a growing list of free tools available for keyword research. Know about a free keyword research tool and don't see it listed? Leave a comment below.

  • Wordtracker - probably one of the better known. Paid services can be expensive, but most web owners starting out may want to try out their free keyword suggestion tool.
  • Google Adwords Keyword Tool - It makes sense to use the most powerful search engine today to do your keyword research. Google offers a multitude of free resources for the web owner - their free and very thorough tool will give you all kinds of keyword ideas.
  • The Dowser - This company has many keyword and SEO research tools available for a price. They also offer a powerful desktop keyword research tool for free which helps you generate thousands of keywords and manage them from your pc.
  • Keyword Discovery - considered by many to be the best alternative to the now defunct Overture search tool, you can use their free search term suggestion program online.
  • Nichebot - Nichebot offers extensive tools in their paid service, but you can get some basic keyword research done through their free Nichebot Classic keyword tool.
  • SEO Book - offers a keyword suggestion tool that pulls data in from the Wordtracker database. Nice, easy interface.
  • Webmaster Toolkit - This is a free online keyword suggestion program that will pull results based on your search engine selection such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alta Vista, and others.
  • Keyword Tumbler - A downloadable keyword research marketing tool that will take your keywords or phrases and give you a ton of variations with addon words, thereby giving you thousands of new keyphrases built around one theme.

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